Eric Yankwitt
I started very early working for my mother who is also an accountant. Some kids got their allowance for mowing the lawn, or doing dishes, I got mine by doing tax returns.
My mother was very close to her clients, as I am mine. In fact, as a teenager a lot of the area business owners were my mother’s clients and as a result my parents had eyes all around town to watch me (movie theater, ice cream, pizza restaurants) All of these people I ended up calling aunt and uncle but were in fact not blood related, but became our close family friends
I graduated State University of New York at Albany in 1986, upon graduation I work in the tax department for Peat Marwick (KPMG) the largest accounting firm in the world at the time. I hated it. No client contact. I remember working on a large company’s tax return, saving them $1million dollars from some Very innovated tax strafes and the manager said thank you and that really was it. Basically because it was not his money, he did not have any emotional response. If I saved you $10,000 from some creative tax planning, we would be going out for drinks to celebrate. It is just a different type of connection. I just relate better to the small business owner. It is in my blood. I started my own small accounting firm (working nights and weekends) while working for Peat Marwick.
I got married to my high school sweetheart and more of my clients / came to my wedding than family members. As today I end up becoming very close to my clients and we become family. I get invited to their family events and vice versa (Weddings, bar mitzvah Quince etc.)
I clerked at the NY Supreme court while in law school, and graduated in 1992. I moved to Florida in 1996 and got divorced shortly thereafter (something in the Florida water I guess) I developed my accounting practice shortly after moving to Florida, and as time has progressed i have acquired my insurance and real estate license providing our clients with a multiple dimensional approach to resolving their challenges
We help clients in the following areas
- Quick books data entry (monthly/Quarterly/yearly reporting)
- Payroll reporting including subcontractor management
- Sales tax reporting
- Corporate tax planning and preparation
I also volunteer for SCORE (over 15 years) which is a division of the Small business administration in both teaching a class on the differences between LLC & S Corporation and mentoring small business owners. I have also consulted for the Pompano CRA, provided multiple seminars (business, Tax, QuickBooks) for the city of Ft. Lauderdale Economic Development office, Hollywood Economic development office and the Broward Chamber of Commerce, Lauderhill Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic Unity
I have many students that come to my office that receive their internship hours by utilizing QuickBooks. As a result, we do not charge for their time inputting your information into QuickBooks, just my time to review it. Saving clients’ money.